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Pink Floyd - Time Chord

F#m Dmaj7 Amaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Bm7

Other Chords : In case you don't know the other chords...you shouldn't dare to play Pink Floyd!

[Intro: Lead Guitar (with percussion)]


F#m A
Tick-ing a-way the moments that make up a dull day;

E F#m
frit-ter and waste the hours in an off-hand way;

Kick-ing a-round on a piece of ground--in your hometown;

E F#m
wait-ing for some-one or some-thing to show_you the way.----

Dmaj7 Amaj7
Tired of ly--ing in the sun--shine,stay-ing home--to watch the rain,

Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7
you are young and life is long,and there is time to kill to-day.

And then one day,you find--ten years have got be-hind you.

Bm7 E F#m
No one told you when to run....You missed the start--ing gun.


F#m A E F#m F#m A E F#m F#m A E F#m F#m A E F#m

Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 C#7 Bm7 E


F#m A
run and you run-to catch up with the Sun, but it's sink-ing;

E F#m
rac-ing a-round to come up be--hind you a--gain.

The Sun is the same in a rel-a-tive way, but you're old-er,

E F#m
short-er of breath, and one-day clos-er to death.

Dmaj7 Amaj7
Ev--'ry year is get--ing short-er, nev-er seem to find the time.

Dmaj7 Amaj7
Plans that ei-ther come to naught, or half a page of scrib-bled lines.

Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7
Hang-ing on in qui-et des--per-a---tion is the Eng-lish way. The time is gone.

The song is o--ver. Thought I'd some-thing more to say.

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